If you have not heard or seen Chris Stefanick speak before,
please log into FORMED using the following directions and
take some time to watch at least a few episodes of “The
To access FORMED content via our new subscription:
· Visit using any laptop, iPad/Kindle,
smart phone, or smart TV by searching FORMED in the
play store of your device.
· Once FORMED has opened, click on the button “Formed
for parishes.”
· Click on the button “Find Your Parish Subscription.”
· Type in: 15701.
· You will see “Our Lady of the Assumption” followed by a
list of zip codes. This is our regional parish grouping.
· Click on Church of the Resurrection and then click
· You will be asked to enter your name and email address.
This is to establish your person account within our regional
· Click “Sign Up.”
After submitting that information, you are signed up and signed in to Formed.
Chris Stefanick is coming to Indiana, PA!
The parishes of the Indiana Region are excited to announce that Chris Stefanick will be our keynote speaker for our 2025 Regional Lenten Mission. Chris Stefanick is a nationally known speaker and author, who spoke at the National Eucharistic Congress, as well as a husband, father of six, and grandfather of four. Many have heard Chris’s voice in the FORMED series “The Search,” which he narrates. Tickets are on sale now for REBOOT on Wednesday, March 12, where Chris will bring a message of joy and a life of prayer. Tickets must be purchased in advance as we will not be selling tickets at the door the night of the event. Children under 12 enter FREE. All attendees will leave with FREE online access to Chris Stefanick’s book Living Joy along with a study guide.
Click on the link below for tickets:

The Altar Rosary Society famous pierogi sale will be held on Friday, February 21st starting at 4pm in Podowski Hall. The cost will be $12.00 per dozen.

Please join us for Family Fun Fest on Saturday, March 1, 2025, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Indiana Mall. This year’s theme is SENSESational Family Fun. The Catholic Parishes of Indiana County will have table space at Family Fun Fest to share information on upcoming events happening at our parishes and feed the senses of the children coming to the festival. Volunteers are needed to staff our tables at Family Fun Fest. All interested in assisting at Family Fun Fest 2025 should reach out to Danielle Cribbs or Jessica Thompson. Danielle can be reached at 814-804-1336 or [email protected]. Jessica can be reached at 724-552-1818 or [email protected].
Thank you!
As we welcome the New Year, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who so generously dedicates their time and efforts to assist with the many tasks at our St. Francis and St. Louis locations. Your support is invaluable. We also want to express our sincere gratitude to those who help cover the costs of printing our weekly bulletin. Without your continued generosity, it would be a challenge to have this important resource available each week. Thank you for making all of this possible!
April Fool’s Cash
New Raffle Ticket on Sale – Win $1000! Don’t miss your chance to win $1000! Only 200 tickets will be sold, and each $10 ticket gives you 5 numbers for your chance to win. The lucky winner will be determined by the first 7pm Pick 3 Number drawn on April 1st, April Fool’s Day! Tickets can be purchased at the church office or after select weekend Masses. Hurry, they’re going fast! Good luck
Presidents’ Day
The Parish Office will be closed in observance of Presidents’ Day on February 17th.
Podowski Hall in Lucernemines on Tuesdays
10:30am-11:30am-Chair Yoga
Donations are welcomed

A Heartfelt Thank You from the Christian Mothers
We extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of our Holiday Bake Sale and Koeze Candy/Nut Sale. Your support means so much to us, and we are truly grateful for your continued participation in our fundraising efforts. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Parent’s Night Out
Parents, have an evening out to celebrate St. Patty’s Day while your children are at St. Thomas More University Parish, Indiana, enjoying fun and faith. Children will have time for crafts, snacks, and prayer. All potty-trained children age 3+ are welcome. On March 14th, drop off begins at 6:00 PM. Pick up by 9:00 PM. Cost is $15/child or $25/family. Please RSVP to 724-463-2277 to ensure enough food and craft supplies.

Assumption Cinema
Light refreshments provided; free will offering.
February 19th IN THE CORAL SOCIAL HALL FINDING FAITH (Not Rated, 2024, Drama, 1h39m)
A Christian advice columnist begins to lose her faith after a series of life events.
Wednesday, February 26th IN PODOWSKI HALL
THE FORGE (PG, 2024, Family Drama, 2h4m)
A powerful tale about a young man’s transformation as he finds his purpose through prayer, faith, and mentorship.
Wednesday, March 26th IN THE CORAL SOCIAL HALL
(Not Rated, 2024, Documentary/Faith and Spirituality, 1h25m)
Narrated by Jonathan Roumie (The Chosen), Fr. Edward J. Flanagan’s greatest devotion was to children. Admired by Presidents, CEO’s, and celebrities alike, he was known as America’s #1 War Dad in WWII because many of the former Boys Town residents listed him as their next of kin!
First Holy Communion

Office Hours
Office hours
Monday thru Thursday 9am-1pm, 2pm-4pm
Friday 9am-12pm
The Parish Office will be closed on February 17th.
Church Locations
We have two church locations:
403 Lucerne Road, Lucernemines, PA & 555 First Street, Coral, PA

Pilgrimage to Loretto
A wonderful time had by all!

Save the Date – “Spirited” Women’s Conference
Rejoice Always!” 1 Thessalonians 5:16
Save the date: The 2024 “Spirited” Women’s Conference will be held Nov. 9. All women are invited to be renewed and refreshed by the teachings of Dr. Mary Healy and Jackie Francois Angel. Bring your daughters, mothers and sisters to experience the love of the Father. For information, contact Carolyn Cannizzaro, conference chairwoman, at [email protected].
Congratulations to Braden Bonatch, Collin Dunn, Hailey Greer, Jillian Howard, Taylor Rado, Beau Raykes and Eli Turk upon receiving their Confirmation on Saturday, April 27th.
Also, thank you to Sherry Renosky for volunteering to serve as one of the greeters and Noah Todd for stepping up to represent our parish as one of the Altar Servers.

Mass Schedule
Normally Tuesday thru Friday, 8:00am at our Coral location unless noted differently in the bulletin.
View the bulletin.
Weekend Mass Times
4:00 pm Lucerne Site
6:00 pm Coral Site
9:00 am Coral Site
11:00 am Lucerne Site
Reverend John A. Pavlik, OFM Cap.
Prayer for Eucharistic Revival
Lord Jesus, You are the living bread who satisfies the hunger of the human heart. In the Eucharist, the bread and wine become Your Body and Blood, the gift of Yourself to the Church. Deepen our faith in Your Eucharistic presence and strengthen us as members of the Church, the Body of Christ. As we encounter and revere Your Eucharistic presence, open us to the needs of our brothers and sisters here and everywhere throughout the world. Help us to reveal Your love, Your promise, Your presence to them by our lives and in all we say and do. Amen.